EJ2 The Power OF TWO 

Tikkun Olam

What we're passionate about!


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Emily & Jared

Ever since I was little, I have always had a passion towards acting.  I have been fortunate that I had the opportunity to pursue my ambitions, but some kids and adults do not have this chance and are not as lucky as I have been. I wish that all kids could have the opportunity to live out their dreams of becoming anything they can think of, but unfortunately it doesn’t always go that way. This is a cause that I feel strongly about not only to make kids happy, but to open up their minds to seeing there is more to life then what situation you are currently in.

When I was in the 4th grade at Gideon Hausner School, we had the choice of supporting a cause that we felt strongly about. A friend and I chose to put our time towards an Act of Kindness. At the time we were learning about the Torah and what simple deed to help others was put where on Rambam's Ladder. We chose to put it on step number 5, the stage in which people teach others, in order to help them when they are older. I wanted to take this project to another level and start to make a difference in kids’ lives. So, as a tikkun olam project,  I am excited to be able to use my acting passion to volunteer at a shelter in my community called Life Moves.  I will be creating a small theatre program to give kids opportunities to explore this creative art, without the burden of paying a fee. In lieu of gifts, please consider donating money to this cause so that I can purchase costumes, scripts and more to make this a great experience for these kids. 

Thank you!